Users that want to build their own specific ETF holding will enjoy the easy ETF portfolio building tools. Users can create their own portfolio and either optimize them or simply assign their own weights. Portfolio creating and editing tools make this option a fully customizable and open system. The portfolio builder allows users to upload ETF holdings from a number of different file formats. PIQ also provides an editing tool to allow users to select ETFs based on category or simply by name. ETF universes can also be screened to find those ETFs that fit the characterization specified by the user.

ETF Portfolio - Advances Users - Custom Portfolios

ETF Portfolio - Advances Users - Custom Portfolios

PIQ has created its own ETF categories that span pure equity, fixed income or derivative based/directional investments. Categorization is an important starting point for users to understand the inherent risk or return potential for their ETF investments. Optimization procedures require forecasted returns, forecasted risk and an estimate of each ETF’s interaction with all other available ETFs. PIQ provides these important parameters but as with most PIQ models; users can select their own inputs if they choose to do so.

ETF categorization allows PIQ to pair a proxy index or ETF with every ETF in its universe. Each proxy comes with its own inherent risk and return profile. How a targeted ETF differs from its proxy allows PIQ to create a unique risk and return forecast for over 1000 ETFs in its universe.

A selection of reports showing suitability and value at risk, performance time series and performance stress testing is available for either individual ETFs or portfolios and bundled ETFs